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Well Hello!

The Roots

So I see you have found me! What's up?  My name is Jenna Helen and here on Wild Flower, you will find that I am all things passionate about Jesus, Agriculture, Jesus, Travel, Healthy Living, and did I mention Jesus?! I hope you can find a little something you enjoy here. Hopefully, you can see a glimpse into my little small-town life, and a whole lot of inspiration.

About: About

-jenna helen-

how we got here..

Well, here goes the story. I have always loved inspiring others, I think that everyone has a story to tell. No matter what happens in life I want to have a POSITIVE impact on the world. The Lord's calling for me is to help others. Learn their story and press into the word of Jesus.

About: Text

stay curious

all about the name

In 2020 I did a project with my best friend in an FBLA competition, our job was to create a website and present it to the judges. Ever since that experience I had been obsessed with creating platforms. I searched hundreds of blogs and looked at tons of Instagrams. I loved the way other people could tell stories through the media and inspire other people. So one day I decided that I too should join the train, so I got to work and started on my own blog. I was really pumped about it for weeks, but then I kind of forgot about it and life got busy. In the first few weeks of December 2021, I publically decided that Jesus held my heart. During the first weeks of my walk with Jesus I asked him "what is my calling, what do you want to do with my life?".

Several events happened and it became very clear that I need to share with others the grace of Jesus, his goodness, and share my story. The name stays curious is giving the world hope that God wants us to stay in his word. Curious about his creation. Wildflower comes from my driving passion in agriculture and my everneeding reminder to continue to look at the flowers. We are all Gods Glorious Flowers. 

About: About
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